

The Sentinels for Common Agricultural Policy - CROSS II project aims at providing to the European and national stakeholders of the CAP validated algorithms, products, workflows and best practices for agriculture monitoring relevant for the management of the CAP. The project will pay particular attention to provide evidence how Sentinel derived information can support the modernization and simplification of the CAP in the post 2020 timeframe. Sen4CAP has been setup by ESA in direct collaboration and on request from DG-Agri, DG-Grow and DG-JRC. The European Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, also endorsed the use of the Copernicus Sentinels within the CAP and announced the Sen4CAP project before the European Parliament

Supervised Classification

Supervised classification is based on the idea that a user can select sample pixels in an image that are. representative of specific classes and then direct the image processing software to use these training. sites as references for the classification of all other pixels in the image. Supervised classification is the technique most often used for the quantitative analysis of remote sensing image data. At its core is the concept of segmenting the spectral domain into regions that can be associated with the ground cover classes of interest to a particular application.

EO Data Source - Sentinel 2

Sentinel-2 is carrying a range of technologies, such as multi-spectral imaging instruments for land, ocean and atmospheric monitoring. It’s delivering high-resolution optical images for land monitoring, emergency response and security services. Satellite images can be used to determine various plant indices such as leaf area chlorophyll and water content indexes. With its multispectral imager and wide swath coverage, the Sentinel-2 mission not only offers continuity, but also expands on the French Spot and US Landsat missions.

EO Data Source - Sentinel 1

The Sentinel-1 imagery is provided by two polar-orbiting satellites, carries a 12 m-long advanced synthetic aperture radar (SAR), working in C-band. The advantage of radar as a remote sensing tool is that it can image Earth’s surface through rain and cloud, and regardless of whether it is day or night. Main applications are for monitoring sea ice, oil spills, marine winds, waves & currents, land-use change, land deformation among others, and to respond to emergencies such as floods and earthquakes.

The Sentinels for Common Agricultural Policy – Sen4CAP project aims at providing to the European and national stakeholders of the CAP validated algorithms, products, workflows and best practices for agriculture monitoring relevant for the management of the CAP. The project will pay particular attention to provide evidence how Sentinel derived information can support the modernization and simplification of the CAP in the post 2020 timeframe.
