The Sentinels for Common Agricultural Policy

CROSS II project aims at providing to the European and national stakeholders of the CAP validated algorithms, products, workflows and best practices for agriculture monitoring relevant for the management of the CAP.

The project will pay particular attention to provide evidence how Sentinel derived information can support the modernization and simplification of the CAP in the post 2020 timeframe.




Data Sources

CROSS II partners


The project entitled as “identification of arable CROps and CAP monitoring in cypruS through the adoption of Sen4CAP” in short CROSS II, is submitted by the Cyprus University of Technology (Prime Contractor), the Cyprus Agricultural Payments Organisation (sub-contractor 1), Novatex Solutions (sub-contractor 2) and CELLOCK Ltd. (sub-contractor 3) at the “Fourth Call for Outline Proposals under the Plan for European Cooperating States (PECS) in Cyprus”. CROSS II project aims to build on the work carried out previously during its predecessor project CROSS (CY3_11-4000131190) towards the adoption of Sen4CAP for CAP monitoring in Cyprus, by the local Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) monitoring and paying agency, that participates actively in the present project. Following the identification of the difficulties that arise from the specificities of the agricultural sector in Cyprus, such as the terrain variability and parcel sizes, that was carried out in CROSS, the correlation between the National Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS), the crop types and growth stages will be studied further.

Objective 1

Semantic mapping and normalization between CAPO crop codes and crop labels (WP2)

Objective 2

Pilot application of Sen4CAP at Cyprus level (WP3)

Objective 3

Crop type classification of non-eligible Sen4CAP parcels through the use of drones (WP4)

Objective 4

Adoption of Sen4CAP for CAP monitoring in Cyprus (WP5 & WP6)

Objective 5

Knowledge transfer of the use of Sen4CAP to the Cypriot Paying Agency (WP6)

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